june Class Information and Schedule
Dear Intrigue Dancers and Families,
Since Governor Pritzker's announcement about Illinois' phased reopening plan, we have been working to organize a safe way for us to return to the studio on June 15th, and to offer the students a chance to perform at an in-studio recital June 26th - 28th. We will only do this if we have safely moved to Phase 3 of the Reopening Plan by then.
As of now, our plan is to continue holding Zoom classes as they are currently scheduled through June 14th. Then, for the following two weeks, we will schedule each class for a live 'dress rehearsal' one at a time in-studio, and the week that their class is not in studio, they will meet on Zoom. The hope is that we will be able to then host an in-studio Recital Weekend Event (June 26th-28th) to finish out the season and to provide them an opportunity to showcase all their hard work.
Please note that any classes that resume past our 'Season End Date' of 6/7 (Zoom or otherwise) will be provided for your child at no additional cost to you. As a reminder, autopay investments are scheduled to process through June 15th in accordance with your 10-month payment plan (September - June).
Follow the link below for more information about our plans for a tentative recital schedule* for June 26th - 28th.
*Schedule is subject to change
We also wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with our plans for how we will ensure that all public health guidelines will be met if we are able to reopen. The health and safety of our dancers, staff and their families is our first priority. Please see below a list of measures that we will be taking if we open the studio for rehearsals and performances in June, pending Chicago's transition to Phase 3 of the reopening plan.
Safety Measures Include:
Staggering rehearsal and performance start and end times to limit groups from crossing paths
Using ONLY studio 1 (our largest studio) in order to maximize social distancing measures
Class times spaced 30 minutes apart to allow time for cleaning/disinfecting between each group
Only 9 dancers + 1 Instructor (10 People MAX) allowed in the studio at a time and always maintaining at least 6ft distance from one another
Some classes will need to be split into multiple groups to allow for groups of 9 or less
Students are to arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to class time
Student temperatures will be checked at the door
Only Mini Stars Dancers are allowed 1 parent to drop off and pick up within studio. All other dancers must be dropped off and picked up at the lobby door
No parents / family members are permitted to wait for their dancers in Lobby during class time
Students must be picked up promptly following class end time to ensure staff can safely oversee their departure from the studio
Locker Room Use is prohibited
Dancers are to arrive dressed and ready for class
Bathrooms are not to be used for changing purposes
All personal items are to be brought in the studio with you during class time (Please minimize belongings to fit one dance bag. Designated areas will be provided for your bag spaced 6 feet away from one another)
All dancers are to wash/sanitize hands before and after class. We will be provide hand sanitizer at the entrance of each studio
Everyone (students, parents, teachers, staff, etc.) is required to wear a face covering while inside the facility. We ask that you provide your own
Tape markers will be laid down in each studio at 6ft intervals both for recital spacing purposes and as a way to indicate safe social distance floor placement
Tape markers will be set in 6ft intervals to indicate safe social distance bar placement
If a family needs to make any payments or approach the front desk for any reason, only one person will be allowed in the lobby at a time. If you see someone at the desk, please kindly wait outside at a safe distance until they exit before entering the space.
Instructors and staff will be following all necessary protocol (i.e. washing/sanitizing hands, wearing masks, social distancing, disinfecting surfaces between classes
Instructors will not engage in any kinesthetic teaching techniques.
Enhanced daily cleaning/sanitizing procedures and maintenance